Gaming has become one of the most common addictions of modern time. It’s not only the children who are addicted to playing games, but also a lot of adults who are past their gaming age. It is a way of escaping from their everyday stressful lives at least for a couple of hours.
However, most people consider gaming as an unproductive activity which wastes valuable time and gives nothing in return. It is also believed to make people anti-social, as they are more inclined to sit in front of their computers, than to go out with their friends.
Where do people usually find these games?
Naturally, they find them online on various websites which offer different types of gaming, such as 먹튀게이밍, a fusion of betting and playing games.
Anyway, believe it or not, gaming is not an entirely useless activity, as it provides a certain number of benefits related to our cognitive functions.
Let’s find out more about them.
Providing greater attention and focus
Games are a great tool for keeping your focus and attention for a longer period of time. Even people who are distracted and have a short attention-span, can remain focused while playing a game.
This constant focus is a result of the players’ wish to get to the final level or be better than the other competitors. They set a target which they are supposed to achieve and don’t give up until it’s done.
Better multitasking skills
In order to be a good gamer you have to be able to do couple of things at the same time. For instance, you should control your joystick, watch the action on the screen, observe the number of lives or level of stamina you have left and make instant decisions.
During multitasking you are under pressure, so you must think and act as quickly as possible. Your speed gets better after each played game. Click here to read about the benefits of multitasking to your brain.
Improved memory
Memory is yet another thing which enhances due to playing games. Games require remembering plenty of details, rules and instructions. As you progress through them, there is always additional stuff to remember.
You receive information from multiple sources: through listening, reading or watching. In this way, you train both your short-term and long-term memory and you aren’t even aware of it.
Developing decision-making and problem-solving skills
Games are an excellent way of teaching indecisive people to make faster decisions. You are constantly faced with choices and you must make the right ones if you want to win or reach the following stage.
You play by a given set of rules which you are supposed to respect and follow. Therefore, when a problem arises, you have to think of a way to solve it, but at the same time to avoid breaking any of the rules. Not to forget, that you are doing all of this in just a few seconds. Making a late decision will teach you to be faster next time.
Enhanced vision
Contrary to the wide-spread belief that gaming damages our eye-sight, playing games is actually improving some aspects of our vision. For instance, gamers have greater focus on details compared to regular people, as their performance mostly lies in the details.
In addition, they have an amazing ability to recognize different shades of colors as well as to easily notice contrast between them, which would normally take a longer period of time for a common person.
On the following link: https://www.headstuff.org/entertainment/gaming/video-games-improve-vision/, you can read more detailed information on the ways games improve our vision.
Excellent reaction time
Another benefit is the capacity to react quickly, but at the same time precisely when a need arises. Gamers have a superb reaction-time which can also reflect in their everyday lives. They are more alert and their reflexes are faster.
Being fast doesn’t mean that they make mistakes. On the contrary, their levels of accuracy are impeccable. This benefit can be useful for a person who has a profession which requires a high level of precision.
Greater coordination
In order to be a successful gamer, you need to have a perfect mental and physical coordination. Your brain functions should be coordinated with your physical movements. The decisions which you make should be simultaneously followed by giving controls to your joystick.
You also need excellent hand-eye coordination, especially in action games. The commands you give to your joystick must be in accordance with what you see on the screen.
Improved social skills
This must seem to you like the most illogical benefit, as gamers are infamous for leading anti-social lives. They might seem unsociable in the outside world, but they are in fact communicating and socializing with big groups of people from different parts of the world.
Most of the online games are played in teams, so the team players usually end up making a lot of friends from what started as just a casual chat. Normally, this way of communication is easier for them as they do it over the internet.
However, these people tend to be shy in normal conversations, but when they meet somebody who shares the same interest as them; they can also form a long-lasting friendship.
Wrap up
We hope that these benefits will help you to look at gaming from a completely different perspective.
Regardless of what the majority of people believe, playing games has certain number of cognitive benefits. Playing for couple of hours a day can improve your focus, decision-making, social skills, vision, coordination and reaction time.
However, not all games provide the same benefits, so make sure you choose the ones that do. Don’t spend an excessive amount of time on gaming. Few hours are enough to feel the advantages, because otherwise you’ll end up experiencing the negative sides.
Games should be a source of entertainment whenever you wish to take a break from your routines. Don’t make gaming your number one priority!